“I want to stand on my own two feet rather than rely on my parents’ wealth”: Brooklyn reveals why he doesn’t seek Beckham’s help despite financial struggles (video)

Brooklyn Beckham played soccer growing up, which makes a ton of sense as his dad is one of the great soccer stars, David Beckham!

The 25-year-old son of David and Victoria Beckham is now explaining why he didn’t end up pursuing a career as a professional footballer.

“I always wanted to go the football route. I played for a long time. I loved it so much. I just didn’t have the right head for it,” Brooklyn explained to InStyle.

He continued, “When you’re growing up, especially with the dad that I had, everyone’s like, ‘Oh, the oldest son’s going to be a footballer.’ 

And I loved it. I really, really, really did, and I miss it so much.”

He then spoke about his various career paths, saying, “I did football—that didn’t work out. Then I went into photography. 

I had a lot of fun with that for a few years. And then, what else did I do? I’ve always done a bit of modeling.”

He added, “[My parents] didn’t care what I did or what I wanted to do. But, they were just like, ‘As long as you’re nice, you’re humble, and you work hard and you put your head down, that’s the most important thing. You can do whatever you want and it’s whatever you choose to do—try and be the best at that.’”

About being a nepo-baby, he shared, “I mean, I can’t help how I was born. I couldn’t ask for better parents and I’m just trying to work my ass off and trying to make a name for myself. That’s all I can say, really.”

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Source: Los Angeles Times

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