Beyonce collapsed learning her newborn daughter had passed away…Blue Ivy is the child of Jay-Z & Cathy White (video)

“Star Flames” shares a conspiracy theory claiming Blue Ivy isn’t Beyoncé’s daughter.

The theory suggests Jay-Z fathered Blue Ivy with a woman named Kathy White.

Kathy White, allegedly pregnant with Jay-Z’s child, died mysteriously.

There’s no evidence to support the claim, and it’s dismissed as a myth.

Comparisons are made between Beyoncé and Kathy White’s appearances.

However, facial features clearly distinguish Blue Ivy as Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s child.

The conspiracy lacks logical and scientific basis, deemed farfetched.

Despite this, some entertain the idea for sensationalism and profit.

Star Flames voices skepticism, emphasizing the lack of evidence.

She emphasizes the importance of considering the impact on the child.

Blue Ivy’s resemblance to Jay-Z is highlighted, reinforcing her parentage.

The theory disregards basic biological facts and rationality.

Star Flames urges viewers to critically evaluate such unsubstantiated claims.

She reaffirms Blue Ivy’s lineage as Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s daughter.

The video concludes with a call to support and protect the child’s well-being.

Star Flames encourages responsible engagement with celebrity gossip.

Viewers are urged to prioritize truth and integrity over sensationalism.

The unsubstantiated theory is debunked through reasoned analysis.

Star Flames emphasizes the absurdity of the claim, emphasizing Blue Ivy’s parentage.

She encourages viewers to approach such rumors with skepticism.

The video seeks to quell baseless speculation about Blue Ivy’s lineage.

Star Flames underscores the need for critical thinking in media consumption.

Concluding remarks emphasize the importance of ethical reporting.

The focus shifts towards promoting positivity and respect.

Star Flames signs off with a message of peace and well-wishes.

The video aims to counter misinformation with reasoned discourse.

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Source: The Wall Street Journal

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