Harry can ONLY return to Britain with his two sons if he divorces Meghan due to her conservative views and disregard for his decision

The fairy tale romance that swept the globe, involving Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, now seems to be encountering some storm clouds. 

According to Royal experts, Prince Harry’s eagerness to establish a permanent residence in his native United Kingdom is met with staunch opposition from his American-born wife.

The rift between the couple traces back to their tumultuous departure from Royal life in 2020. 

After stepping down as senior working Royals, Harry, 39, and Meghan, 42, resettled in California, where they’ve built a new life with their two children, Archie and Lilbit. 

While Harry expresses a longing to reconnect with his homeland, Meghan has made it abundantly clear she has no desire to return to the UK.

The tension in their marriage reportedly stems from Harry’s desire to return to the UK conflicting with Meghan’s reluctance. 

Royal commentator Kinsey Scoffield shared with the Daily Express, “I’m sure that Harry would love to have a permanent home in the UK, but Meghan Markle is the one thing holding him back because she tells us through her actions that she has no desire to return.”

The couple’s strained relationship with the British royal family, especially Harry’s bond with his brother, Prince William, and father, King Charles III, adds complexity to Meghan’s reluctance. Meghan, who has openly discussed the challenges she faced within the firm, notably accusing the Palace of racism in her interview with Oprah Winfrey, seems resolute in her decision to stay away. A source told the Daily Mail, “She doesn’t want to be a part of the Royal Institution anymore, and frankly, I don’t think they want her there either.”

Despite Meghan’s stance, Harry’s attachment to his homeland seems to be growing stronger. The prince, who served in the British army for a decade, maintains close ties with his military affiliations and veteran communities in the UK. He’s also made several trips back for significant events, such as the unveiling of Princess Diana’s statue. “Harry loves the UK and considers it his home,” a source shared. “He has a lot of friends there and a support network, but Megan just has no interest. She’s happy in California and doesn’t want to return.”

The tension over this issue reportedly causes strain in their marriage, leading to heated arguments behind closed doors. “It’s a very sensitive topic that they’ve discussed at length,” a source revealed. “Harry is obviously torn because, on the one hand, he misses the UK terribly, but on the other, he doesn’t want to upset Meghan. It’s a real source of tension between them.”

Despite the challenges, Harry remains determined to have a permanent residence in the UK, even if it means going against Meghan’s wishes. He’s been exploring properties in the countryside, away from media scrutiny. “He’s been looking at various properties, but Meghan has made it clear she has no interest in living there, even part-time,” the source disclosed.

As the couple navigates this obstacle in their relationship, Royal watchers wonder if Harry’s desire to reconnect with his roots will prevail or if Meghan’s opposition will win out. Only time will tell if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex can reconcile their differing visions for the future.

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Source: Tampa Bay Times

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