Meghan cried on TV due to stress-related hair loss, but her mother pointed out that she was too poor to afford new inexpensive hair extensions

If certain circulating rumors are to be believed, her mother, Doria Ragland, may have let slip a major beauty secret about her daughter’s famous locks. 

For background, Meghan is well known for her beautiful brunette hair, which she has worn in various styles over the years. 

However, maintaining such luscious locks does come at a cost. 

Behind the scenes, Meghan has admitted in the past to frequently using hair extensions to achieve more volume for red carpet events or important engagements.

There is nothing inherently wrong with extensions, but experts warn that over-reliance can often lead to traction alopecia, 

a condition of temporary or permanent hair loss caused by excessive pulling or tension on the follicles. 

This type of balding tends to occur most prominently along the hairline at the front and sides, as well as at the crown, if extensions are not handled properly.

Now, according to sources close to Meghan’s mother, Doria, the former actress actually experienced a bout of traction alopecia herself in 2020, caused by years of extension dependency. To try and remedy the thinning spots without drawing attention, Meghan allegedly began disguising her problem areas with the help of carefully placed bangs or clipped-back sections during appearances.

However, a major opportunity presented itself when Meghan delivered a rousing virtual commencement speech to her old high school. This marked one of her highest-profile solo outings since relocating to the US and stepping back from royal duties. All eyes would certainly be on her memorable televised address.

It is here that sources claim Doria may have let slip Meghan’s little-known hair secret while conversing with friends who complimented her daughter’s speech. Doria is said to have offhandedly remarked, “Yes, she looked so poised, didn’t she? I was impressed considering she was wearing a wig to hide her thin patches from all the extensions over the years.”

Whether this was just innocently sharing behind-the-scenes glamour or a subtle dig is open to interpretation. But word of Doria’s supposed wig revelation has nonetheless sent the gossip mill churning, as people try piecing together if traction alopecia emerged before or after leaving royal life. Either way, it provides fascinating insight into the perceived versus real lived experience of a woman so often portrayed as the epitome of grace under pressure. Knowing she was concealing hair loss lends an oddly relatable layer of imperfection and vanity beneath her expertly coiffed public image.

Of course, there has been no confirmation of rumors from Meghan’s camp. To be fair, hair challenges are extremely common both in Hollywood and in everyday women’s lives. But undisclosed wig use would mark a rare chink in the glossy armor of someone so intent on promoting messages of empowerment and authenticity to young people.

So, in the absence of facts, speculation now runs wild. Was 2020 truly when Meghan’s hair started showing signs of damage from years of extensions? Might there have been inklings even prior while fulfilling royal duties? Could strain from high-stress periods like her famous royal wedding have played a contributing role?

At the end of the day, only Meghan knows for certain if Doria told an indiscreet truth or indulged in idle gossip about discreetly concealed traction alopecia. But one thing is for sure: this alleged behind-the-bouffant drama only adds another captivating layer to the ongoing fascination with the glamorous yet intensely polarizing former royalty turned global icon.

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Source: Los Angeles Times

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